The Passing of Our Colleague, Monica Noe Filyaw
We offer our deepest condolences to the family of Monica Noe Filyaw. Monica was a beloved colleague who was deeply committed to supporting Ukraine and was part of our own family.
Her love for freedom, liberty, and independence was unwavering through her dedication to help Ukrainians preserve their democracy.
Monica made an exceptional contribution to the recent trip to the U.S. of the mayor of Bucha. Her impeccable organizational skills and innovative ideas helped to ensure the logistics of the trip ran smoothly, making it a great success. Her dedication to the cause and tireless efforts were a testament to her remarkable character.
We will greatly miss Monica’s contagious work ethic to accomplish every goal with optimism and success. Our thoughts are with her family during this trying time.
Testament of a Donor
Glowing Face of Refugee Warms Ukraine Focus Donors
Donors seldom get to see their gifts put to work, but that was exactly the experience my wife and I enjoyed after providing funds to ship ambulances, children’s clothing, food, and solar-powered lamps to Ukrainian refugees. The continuing Russian invasion of the eastern European nation has sent thousands of civilians fleeing their homes, slaughtered regiments of soldiers defending the country, and destroyed the electrical infrastructure plunging the nation into darkness.
Our Mission
To provide humanitarian and medical aid to Ukraine using a needs-based, fully transparent approach ensuring the help gets directly to those that need it most.
Our Focus is on the Freedom and the Future of Ukraine.

A convoy of hope and ‘desperation’: Volunteers drive ambulances from Virginia to Baltimore in effort to aid Ukraine
Baltimore Sun –
Since May of last year, the nonprofit organization Ukraine Friends and the Volunteer Ambulance Corps have donated and delivered 90 ambulances to Ukraine. Most have been handed off to the country’s Territorial Defense Forces, a reserve branch of Ukraine’s military. Read the Article
The Hill –
Given the crisis in Ukraine, we need to rethink our assistance. We need to support Ukraine now, learn from our past mistakes, and pay more attention to this region going forward. Read the Article
Our Values

Our donors know exactly how their funds are bring used and see first hand the impact it’s having.
The aid we provide is directed to those who need it most and delivered on a needs based priority through strategic partnerships at all level of government and nongovernmental organizations.
Everything we do is focused on strengthening the Ukrainian community with specific emphasis on communications, collaboration and cooperation.
We have relationships with the highest levels of government as well as local organizations on the ground and around the world.
On the Ground
in Ukraine

Press & Videos
Ukraine Focus
5900 Barclay Avenue
PO Box 150171
Alexandria, VA 22315
+1 (401) 580-92-00